Eufaula / Oklahoma / United States
OUR COMPANY There’s one thing Pied Piper Services is committed to above all else – TOTAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – We believe in building long-term relationships with our customers and employees, and at the end of the day, what matters the most – would you recommend Pied Piper to others? About Pied Piper: Mutual Trust and Professional Growth We consistently value mutual trust, integrity, truth, and human dignity with each other. We are committed to ongoing training of employee and customer education that develops pride, self-worth, job enrichment, customer loyalty, and personal and professional growth. At Pied Piper, we know that our people make the difference. Knowing that our future rests squarely on our work ethic, image, knowledge, imagination, skills, dependability and integrity of our employees, we respect and value these qualities the most. We value our company’s image. The public perception of our people, vehicles, equipment and materials is essential to our success. We are committed to innovation and creativity to produce safer, more efficient and effective technologies and methods. We believe in being a contributing member of our community and our industry. Why is Pied Piper the company of choice? Pied Piper is dedicated in providing the service you expect. Not only from our uniform trucks and appearance, but also from our professional manner in handling all of our customers’ needs. Pied Piper is a company built on customer satisfaction and most importantly referrals. • Over 100+ years of experience. • 100% satisfaction guarantee. • Knowledgeable of your industry – and we will keep your facility current on all Federal and State requirements. • Member of several Chamber of Commerce chapters, and Oklahoma and National Pest Control Association. • Licensed and operating in Texas and Oklahoma. • Services provided by clean – clearly identified – uniformed employees. • Best practices are followed – all services provided in a professional, safe, clean and effective manner. • Pied Piper provides a free comprehensive termite inspection of all structures on contract no less than twice per year. • Pied Piper will respond to all life and structural threats from pests, 24 hours a day – 7 days a week! • Employees of businesses on contract will receive group discounts on all Pied Piper services. • Pied Piper will provide educational meetings or forums to discuss pest biology, habits and control techniques. • Services requests can be sent via email, cell or office phone. Your requests will be received same day and in real time! • Documentation – Pied Piper takes pride in providing you the communication and documentation you deserve and expect. As a customer you will have access to Your Account – you will receive email notification when you’re clear, detailed reports are ready for your review. This information will be retained online. • Technology – Pied Piper vehicles are equipped with Internet, laptops, digital cameras, and printers. Service vehicles are mobile offices on wheels – no need to go to the office to generate reports.