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Professional help is available from someone, who, with over three decades of experience, has helped over two thousand families in despair... Addiction in its many forms (alcohol, drugs, eating disorders, gambling, etc.) tragically affects the lives of untold millions of Americans. In many families or work settings we can find an addicted person creating misery, suffering, and embarrassment. We, as family members, co-workers and employers, are baffled about what to do. Families break up, jobs are lost, years and lives are wasted. Addicts become shadows of their original selves, and some die too soon. If we are told that this does not have to be, we may become angry or sad about such a seemingly reckless or arrogant claim. But what if professional help is actually available from someone, who with over three decades of experience has helped over two thousand families in despair? What if a scientifically sound process is used?with a 90% success rate? Intervention is a proven, structured method of getting the persons concerned about the addict to work together, present a united front, break through the addicted persons denial, and get them to readily agree to treatment. A properly facilitated intervention is a loving, gentle, and respectful process. It is a highly successful method that is geared toward expressing care and concern for the addicted person. Intervention is available right now. Within a short span of time your loved one should be in recovery and the family well on its way toward healing and health.