JVS photos
JVS map, street view, direction

29699 Southfield Rd Michigan 48076 United States


JVS Opening Hours

08:00:00 - 17:00:00
- Unknown
- Unknown

JVS About

JVS was founded in Detroit in 1941. The agency began with one staff member and now employs more than 300 people at its four offices in metropolitan Detroit. Throughout its history, the agency has helped thousands of people overcome life challenges. It is an organization with a rich heritage that remains steadfast in its commitment to helping people realize their potential and live their lives with dignity.The agency first began as a womens employment bureau in 1926 and soon expanded to help "hard to place" job applicants, including people with disabilities and holocaust survivors. After World War II, JVS placed discharged and disabled soldiers in employment, and refugees fleeing Europe were assisted.Today, JVS adapts its services to meet the changing needs of our community to help job seekers, people with disabilities, seniors, students, homeless individuals, veterans and people on probation or parole fulfill their needs and attain their goals.

JVS Photos (8)


JVS where ?

JVS at 29699 Southfield Rd, Southfield, Michigan 48076

JVS phone number ?

JVS phone number 2485595000

JVS contact ?

You can call at 2485595000.You can fill out the form at jvsdet.org.

29699 Southfield Rd zip code ?

The Zip Code 48076

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