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75 14th St NE Atlanta Georgia 30309 United States


ZWJ Investment Counsel About

Founded in 1974, Zeliff Wallace Jackson (ZWJ) Investment Counsel is a privately owned company that offers personalized investment counseling. Located in Atlanta, Ga., the company acts as a core equity manager and seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation with relatively low volatility. It has more than $900 million client assets under management. ZWJ Investment Counsel manages intermediate-maturity government, corporate and municipal fixed-income securities. The company is federally registered with Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment advisor.

ZWJ Investment Counsel Services

ZWJ Investment Counsel FAQ

ZWJ Investment Counsel where ?

ZWJ Investment Counsel at 75 14th St NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30309

ZWJ Investment Counsel phone number ?

ZWJ Investment Counsel phone number 4048732211

ZWJ Investment Counsel contact ?

You can call at 4048732211.You can fill out the form at

75 14th St NE zip code ?

The Zip Code 30309

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