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Swansea / Massachusetts / United States
East Bay Surgery Center is proud to announce a $45, 000 microscope enhancement to all of its cataract microscopes. The center has teamed up with Endure Medical Inc., and has upgraded all of its cataract scopes with the new Illumin-I modules. The Illumin-I is innovative technology and incorporates a creative way to provide the best possible contrast, red reflex, depth perception and resolution. This module allows the surgeon to visualize both the anterior and posterior capsule resulting in a safer procedure. Because of the unique illumination delivery system, the capsulorhexis is obvious throughout the capsular polishing and IOL insertion. With the enhanced contrast and clarity, residual viscoelastic and cortical material are visible so the surgeon can perform a cleaner, more complete cataract removal.Dr. Charles Collins, Medical Director East Bay Surgery Center is certainly happy with the new system he says "I thought the surgery center had all the best equipment available. Then I was introduced to the new Illumini- I. Wow! I currently could not be happier with the view we obtain with the Illumin- I. As technology marches on, I know the folks East Bay Surgery Center will continue to adopt new and better technology like this. Another reason Im so happy to do my eye surgery here East Bay Surgery Center."East Bay Surgery Center would like to welcome our new neighbor upstairs, Saint Annes Pain Management Center.To accommodate Saint Annes patients needs, especially the growing number from communities west of Fall River and in the nearby East Bay area of Rhode Island, the Center for Pain Management has expanded to include a new $3.0 M, 11, 000-square-foot space upstairs in our building.The new center duplicates the same "one-stop" care offered at the hospitals clinic. The facility includes: