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Port Washington / New York / United States
Port Washington / New York / United States

According to the parish's mission statement, "Firmly rooted in our Roman Catholic tradition, we the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima are a welcoming, caring and inclusive community of believers. We seek to bear witness to Christ's love for all in our lives, in our community, and to our world. We strive to continue the mission of Jesus through worship and in our educational, spiritual and social justice programs and in our commitment to stewardship. We are a collaborative, diverse, multicultural parish dedicated to reaching out to all God's people, especially those in need. All are welcome in this parish."

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Mass cards only). 

Emergency sick calls at any time. 



Our Lady of Fatima Novena: 
Mondays, following the 8:00 a.m. Mass

After daily Mass

Charismatic Prayer Group: 
Monday Evenings at 8:15 p.m. in the Center

First Friday Devotions:
Eucharistic Exposition, Holy Hour & Benediction
1st Friday of the month at 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Wake Services: 
3:00 p.m. the afternoon prior to the funeral Mass.


Saturday from 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment with one of the parish clergy.

1st Saturday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Please contact the rectory four to six weeks in advance of your chosen date.

Those wishing to be married must make arrangements at least six months in advance. Please call the rectory.

Port Washington / New York / United States

The Community Synagogue is a Reform Jewish Congregation which seeks to fulfill its religious and ethical goals by being a center for spiritual fulfillment, lifelong learning, cultural enrichment, community leadership, social responsibility, and by lovingly entrusting our Reform Jewish tradition from generation to generation. They are committed in their support of the State of Israel and of the Jewish people throughout the world.

Port Washington / New York / United States

Located in Port Washington, Chevrat Tefiillah is a small, traditional, conservative and non-egalitarian congregation which offers weekly Shabbat services and High Holiday services led by lay members. For more information, be sure to call the telephone number provided

Port Washington / New York / United States

The Church has maintained a belief in the fundamentals of the faith since its beginning. It still believes that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. It believes that Jesus Christ was God become man. It believes that He paid the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross, and rising from the dead on the third day. It believes that Christians have a responsibility to share the gospel that Jesus is the only hope for salvation, from an eternity in hell, and for an eternal home in heaven. It believes that Jesus Christ will come again to this earth. 
The congregation has changed over the years but it is still like its forbears seeking religious freedom to study and practice what the Bible says. It could still meet at the First Church building (if it had continued) for it remains evangelical in holding to the same conversion experiences of that 1858 revival. The original "Little Red School House" has also gone but the Port Washington Christian School continues its theistic teaching in its own one room setting.

Port Washington / New York / United States

Chabad of Port Washington, founded in 1991 with the guidance and blessing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is nurtured and supported by concerned members of communities on Long Island's North Shore. Chabad is dedicated to the re-establishment and strengthening of our Judaic faith, principles, identity, commitment and pride.

Chabad House is a unique and vibrant center, providing a home away from home for any man, woman or youngster who walks through its doors. It's Rabbis, staff and volunteer workers are pioneers in the most literal sense, treading a path and showing the way to bring the light of Torah and Jewish tradition to all Jews. Acceptance of every Jew on their own level, regardless of their level of religious commitment or practice, has become a trademark of Chabad. And by blending traditional values with modern day techniques, we have been successful in reaching even the most alienated, helping them appreciate their roots and identify with their Judaisn with pride.

Thanks to G-d's infinite blessings and the generous support and involvement of members of the community, Chabad of Port Washington has grown rapidly during these ten years. Three years ago we embarked on a new, exciting project: The establishment of an impressive educational campus and Jewish day school in Port Washington. This impressive center has enabled us to do much more. It includes a shul, preschool, day school, Jewish Library and social hall. This year we plan to complete a second phase of construction that will include five classrooms, a gym/lunchroom, science and computer labs, general studies library, music center, resource room, and an ultra-modern mikvah. It's doors will always be open to every single Jew, regardless of their affiliation and background or lack thereof.

Other programs by Chabad:

  • Congregation Chabad
  • Chabad Hebrew School
  • Chabad Academy of Science & the Humanities
  • Florence Brownstein Preschool
  • Max & Ruth Schwartz Elementary
  • Berkowitz Day Camp
  • Mei Menachem Ritual Mikvah
  • Holiday Awareness Programs
  • Hospital Visitation Program
  • Crisis Intervention & Counseling
  • Mitzvah Campaigns
  • Shabbatons
  • Adult Education
  • L'Chayim Publication
Port Washington / New York / United States
  • Christian Science, discovered by Mary Baker Eddy, is a universal, practical system of spiritual, prayer-based Christian healing, available and accessible to everyone.
  • Christian Science is fully explained in Mary Baker Eddy's primary text on spirituality and healing, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
  • Christian Science has helped many people find better emotional and physical health, answers to life's deepest issues and progress on their spiritual journeys.
  • Many Christian Scientists are members of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, but membership in The Church is not a prerequisite for the practice of Christian Science.
  • Healthcare decisions are always a matter of individual choice.
Basic ideas of Christian Science
  • God is divine Love, Father-Mother, supreme.
  • The true nature of each individual as a child of God is spiritual.
  • God's infinite goodness, realized in prayer, heals
Port Washington / New York / United States
Parish Community of Saint Peter of Alcantara welcomes you to our site. We are located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York, and serve approximately 2600 Families. We have a parish school with an attendance of about 500 students. We have an active Spanish Apostolate. We also serve the needs of the parish and community with many ministries and organizations. I sincerely hope that we can be of service to you.
Port Washington / New York / United States

Offering bible study and a limited prayer schedule, Mt. Olive is one of many churches in Port Washington.

Port Washington / New York / United States
Port Washington / New York / United States

In 1970, eleven Port Washington families formed Port Jewish Center. They had no rabbi and no building, but they did have an ark, built by one of the members, a Torah rescued from the Holocaust, a pioneering spirit and commitment to practicing Judaism and to giving their children a Jewish education.

In the first year, congregants managed to organize a religious school, build a Sukkah, engage a cantor and a part-time Rabbi, and conduct High Holy Day services where everyone, member or not, was welcome.   Cantor Herb Strauss served, initially in a volunteer position, from 1970 until his death in2007.  His thirty-seven year tenure offered long-term stability to PJC as we welcomed a series of student rabbis to our growingto our congregation.  By 1981 PJC had its first permanent Rabbi, Donna Berman, who led the congregation for twelve years. In 1993, Rabbi Beth Davidson became our leader for the next twelve years. Our congregation acquired its permanent home on Manorhaven Boulevard in Port Washington in 1986 and successfully completed a major expansion and renovation in 2000.

Presently, PJC is led by Rabbi Sheila Goloboy and has 128 family member units, drawing its membership from Port Washington and nearby towns. It has a thriving religious school and a wide range of religious, educational and social programs. In our nearly 40-year history, the underlying values that shaped our congregation have not changed. PJC continues to welcome all who wish to worship with its warm, informal atmosphere and to encourage active participation in the life of our community. Our mission is as it has always been: to lead a Jewish life, to observe and preserve Jewish ritual and custom, to give our children a Jewish education, and to show compassion through acts of Tzedakah and Gemilut Chasadim (acts of loving kindness), both within the Jewish community and beyond.

Port Washington / New York / United States

The United Methodist Church of Port Washington, which preaches about, "Open hearts, open minds and open doors," offers prayer services, study groups and youth programs. It has become a major religious staple in town.

Port Washington / New York / United States

According to the church's website, it was founded in 1915 and was established as an independent, English-speaking congregation at a time when many Lutherans were rooted in the immigrant cultures of the Lutheran territories in northern Europe. The church's mothers and fathers intentionally sought to serve the entire Cow Neck peninsula while maintaining a distinctive Lutheran identity and style. The congregation has served thousands of girls, boys, women and men over the years, welcoming all from different denominational backgrounds. The website also says worship was first held in rented space on South Washington Street and, subsequently, Main Street. The current worship center was erected in 1925. In 1962, the two-level Fellowship Hall was added, and later named for the Rev. Mr. Henry von Schlichten, pastor from 1943 to 1974. Community groups such as A.A., Al-Anon, the Outreach Program of the Parent Resource Center and Boy Scouts are at home in the building during the week.

Today the congregation's purpose is for persons of all ages to grow stronger in faith through worship, deeper through learning, warmer through fellowship, and broader by service to our neighbors in need. Children and Christian education are vital to Our Savior's life. Blessed with a Children's Ministry Director and a Children's Music Director, children enjoy Kids' Klub on Tuesdays, as well as participation in the Sunday service and Sunday Kids' Klub. Youth ministry, coordinated by parents Donna and Tom Rice and a Youth Leadership Team, meets on most Friday and Sunday evenings. Confirmation for 7/8th grade youth is on Mondays. Various Bible studies and a Spiritual Growth Group are held throughout the year.

There's a place for everyone at Our Savior to be involved and make new friends through small group ministries: the Altar Guild, Grace Guild, the Ushers, the Lectors and Assisting Ministers, the Choirs, the Parish Orchestra, Kids' Klub, the annual Harvest Fair, fellowship events, and committees for the congregation's life and mission. Parish life and ministry depend solely upon voluntary giving by members, guests and friends. We give away more than ten percent of every financial gift we receive to various mission partners and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Port Washington / New York / United States

According to the church's website, "As a family we are grounded in our daily and weekly worship. We come together to praise God, offer thanksgiving for the blessings in our lives, and to be spiritually nourished so we may go out into the world, transforming Christ's teaching into action and rejoicing in the Holy Spirit. Our worship services involve active participation of all those who are gathered. Many of us serve as worship leaders during our services. We do this by preparing the altar or table for our sacred meal of Holy Communion, by carrying the cross to begin and end the service, by reading the Scripture lessons, by offering the gifts of Holy Communion to those gathered at the altar, by ushering people to their seats and by raising our voices in song and praise.  We offer diverse, conversational and thoughtful preaching.  Throughout the year, our worship experience is also enhanced by hymns, recitals, and special concerts offered by our adult choir, freely offered to the community around us."

Port Washington / New York / United States

The Archangel Michael Church is a vibrant Greek Orthodox community in Port Washington, NY, serving more than 600 families. The church has numerous organizations whose work is carried out by its parishioners, benefiting both the parish and the broader community. The Parish recently relocated from Roslyn, its prior home since 1981. The brand-new educational facility houses the church's Preschool, Greek School and Sunday School, and both the Sanctuary and the Athletics Center are expected to open before year's end.