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Pacific Palisades / California / United States

The Will Rogers State Historic Park is a 186-acre public park created in memory of one of America's best-loved actors and humorists. It is located in the central Santa Monica Mountains with amazing views of the Pacific Ocean and Los Angeles. However, this is more than just your average Southern California park. Visitors here are encouraged to learn about the legacy that is Will Rogers, as well as do some horseback riding or take a nature walk.

Must see and must do at Will Rogers State Historic Park
The Visitor Center gives guests a visual history of Will Rogers' ranch with a self-guided tour of the historic Guest House, which was built in 1928. The house is a converted garage and holds exhibits and a mini-theater featuring Rogers' films. The park's Historic House Museum offers a tour of Rogers' ranch revival-style home. Inside the house is the largest collection of Western art in the entire California State Park System. Finally, trail rides and riding lessons are available to the public. However, guests need to call ahead to schedule a time.

Best and worst time to go to Will Rogers State Historic Park
It's Southern California, and the weather is typically great, so there really isn't a bad time to go. However, Los Angeles gets extremely hot between July and September, so if you plan on being outdoors at the park you may want to stop by during the cooler months. A great time to go is on a weekend between mid-April to October, when polo matches are held. The park's polo fields are the last remaining in Los Angeles.

Admission to Will Rogers State Historic Park
The park and its entities are open at various times throughout the week. The Visitor Center is open from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. The Ranch House is open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Admission to the park includes parking.

Wildlife at Will Rogers State Historic Park
Visitors can take in some of the many sights and sounds of nature at Will Rogers State Historic Park including Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers, Blue Scrub Jay, Wrentit, California Thrasher and Spotted Towhee. Guests may also see an Anna's Hummingbird or a Raven along one of the park's trails.

Insider tip for Will Rogers State Historic Park
Diehard Will Rogers fans should visit the park in August when the park has a special evening under the stars. Special screenings of some of Will Rogers best classic movies are shown in Will's backyard.

Author's bio: Mary Beth Adomaitis is a freelance writer from Southern California. She loves to visit exciting and new places with her family. In the summer of 2014, she drove cross-country from California to Ohio, visiting 14 states in two weeks.