Vineyard Assembly of God, located on State Road in Vineyard Haven, boasts a thriving year-round congregation. The church offers youth groups, childrens' programs and women's study groups throughout the week. Joseph Dockter serves as pastor. Sunday services are held at 10:30am.
St. Paul Evangelical Church used to be the Somerville Assembly of God. It changed its name in 1970, but remained affiliated with the Assemblies of God. Its present building was completed in 1999. It has a 400-seat sanctuary, a prayer chapel, administrative offices, educational complex, kitchen and fellowship hall.
The Malden Portuguese Four Square Church is located on the corner of Main and Appleton streets. Services are held on Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 7pm. There is handicap access ramps in both the front and rear of the building. A small parking lot is located in the rear off of Appleton Street for patrons to park at while attending service. There is also limited one-hour street parking in the area as well.
Heritage Christian Academy is a small private school. It has students in grades preK - 8. It is a very small co-ed school honoring Christian values.
The Celebration International Church is led by Senior Pastors Joe and Donna Sapienza. It is a multicultural congregation. Sunday services are held each week and as well as a family night on Wednesdays. The church also offers school programs for children of all ages.
This church in Attleboro is a member of the United Pentecostal Church International, which was formed in 1945 through the merger of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ and Pentecostal Church Incorporated. Located on the corner of South Main and Beacon Streets, United Pentecostal was led by Rev. Carroll Kennedy for more than two decades until he retired in September of 2010. The Rev. Dennis Munn now handles the pastoral responsibilities for the church.
"Living a life of purpose" is the Vida Real church's message. The church has its headquarters in Somerville and is a religious community that spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ through missionary work, in addition to the use of television and Internet radio. Vida Real operates in conjunction with the CGNTV Latino TV network.