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New York / New York / United States
The effects of prolonged alcohol abuse will interfere with interpersonal relationships, family relationships and eventually the individual’s job or career. Constant alcohol use and abuse affects the body in a multitude of negative ways from organ damage to brain damage. Though some of these health related issues may not be fully reversible the effects alcohol has had on an individual’s life is. Through Alcohol Rehab New York City an alcoholic can begin to rectify their habits and reestablish control of their body as well as their life. Through alcohol detox and rehab, alcoholics can mend the ties lost during alcohol abuse with their families, careers and personal relationships. Attempting to quit alcohol abuse on your own can be dangerous to your body. If your withdrawal symptoms are too strong and you feel extreme pain, discomfort and sickness while attempting to withdraw you must stop immediately and seek detox and rehabilitation help.
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
Brooklyn / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
Amen Clinics New York serves a diverse client base from all 5 boroughs including Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. Close to all major public transportation, we are usually just a train or bus route away, and within walking distance of multiple parking garages. Whether we see you, your children or your parents, relatives or friends, we will make a difference in your lives. Many clients travel from New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and other areas in the Northeast, and we value our clients from far and near.