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Port Washington / New York / United States

According to the church's website, it was founded in 1915 and was established as an independent, English-speaking congregation at a time when many Lutherans were rooted in the immigrant cultures of the Lutheran territories in northern Europe. The church's mothers and fathers intentionally sought to serve the entire Cow Neck peninsula while maintaining a distinctive Lutheran identity and style. The congregation has served thousands of girls, boys, women and men over the years, welcoming all from different denominational backgrounds. The website also says worship was first held in rented space on South Washington Street and, subsequently, Main Street. The current worship center was erected in 1925. In 1962, the two-level Fellowship Hall was added, and later named for the Rev. Mr. Henry von Schlichten, pastor from 1943 to 1974. Community groups such as A.A., Al-Anon, the Outreach Program of the Parent Resource Center and Boy Scouts are at home in the building during the week.

Today the congregation's purpose is for persons of all ages to grow stronger in faith through worship, deeper through learning, warmer through fellowship, and broader by service to our neighbors in need. Children and Christian education are vital to Our Savior's life. Blessed with a Children's Ministry Director and a Children's Music Director, children enjoy Kids' Klub on Tuesdays, as well as participation in the Sunday service and Sunday Kids' Klub. Youth ministry, coordinated by parents Donna and Tom Rice and a Youth Leadership Team, meets on most Friday and Sunday evenings. Confirmation for 7/8th grade youth is on Mondays. Various Bible studies and a Spiritual Growth Group are held throughout the year.

There's a place for everyone at Our Savior to be involved and make new friends through small group ministries: the Altar Guild, Grace Guild, the Ushers, the Lectors and Assisting Ministers, the Choirs, the Parish Orchestra, Kids' Klub, the annual Harvest Fair, fellowship events, and committees for the congregation's life and mission. Parish life and ministry depend solely upon voluntary giving by members, guests and friends. We give away more than ten percent of every financial gift we receive to various mission partners and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.