Sweetwater / Tennessee / United States
About East Tennessee Livestock Center Since 1962 East Tennessee Livestock Center and its staff have been leaders and innovators in the livestock marketing industry. Joe Houston and the Smoky Mountain Feeder Calf Association pioneered graded feeder calf sales which remain a mainstay of our business. The first graded Holstein steer sales were held at the ETLC. We began selling cattle on video in the early 1980s, and in 2001 held the first electronically IDed sale east of the Mississippi. We do this for only one reason. We always are trying to find ways to showcase our customers cattle in order to get the maximum price for their livestock and to make the marketing process as easy as possible. We continue to receive cattle for your convenience on Tuesday nights until 9: 00 pm and on Thursday nights until 8: 00 pm before our special sales. We open on Wednesdays at 6: 30 am and on special sales at 7: 00 am. We offer transportation to and from our market, and market price information is available through our toll-free number 1-877-652-9017 or our website at www.easttennesseelivestock.com. Whether you use one of our special sales or our successful weekly Wednesday auction, we appreciate the trust you show when you bring your cattle to us. Thank you for choosing East Tennessee Livestock Center in Sweetwater where our customers always come first. We look forward to working with you and for you in 2010 and beyond.