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El Segundo / California / United States
Our buyers scour the globe to fill our stores with an ever-changing selection of amazing finds at incredible savings. This means you can explore aisles of different styles, touch and feel the high-quality craftsmanship of each item and bring it all home that day knowing you saved more than you ever thought possible. So while you can’t shop HomeGoods online today, we invite you to come experience the thrill in our stores. At HomeGoods, finding is a feeling. Find your next project, your next passion, your next adventure.
El Segundo / California / United States
Founded in 1958, Craig Tools, Inc is a supplier of rotary cutting tools to the manufacturing industry throughout the world. Our focus is on the airframe industry while also serving the automotive, machine tool, hydraulic valve, and machine shop environments. We are a prime source of "microstop" tooling for the major airframe builders and repair facilities around the world.Our product line includes: high speed steel, cobalt steel, solid carbide, carbide tipped, and polycrystalline diamond tools. The fastest growing segment of our product line is solid carbide and polycrystalline diamond ( PCD ) tooling, which we have developed for composite material applications. This has opened the door to worldwide sales as airframe companies search for solutions to these difficult applications.Craig Tools Inc is proud to announce we successfully completed the registration program to the worldwide quality standard ISO 9001: 2008.