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Dallas / Oregon / United States
Spokane / Washington / United States
Olyphant / Pennsylvania / United States
Cheyenne / Wyoming / United States
Our promise to you is simple - to be the best for our customers, employees and the communities we serve by offering superior products, service and value!Wyoming Work Warehouse is the largest supplier of specialty work wear in the state, offering top brands including Carhartt, Key, Timberland Pro, Caterpillar, Smartwool, Levis, and others. For all your safety work wear from Fire Resistant outerwear to safety boots and accessories, one stop, incredible selection and all value priced. With locations in Casper, Gillette, Rock Springs, Cheyenne and now on-line, we are where the Wyoming workers need us.
Memphis / Tennessee / United States
With a location in Memphis, Tenn., Wells Lamont is a branch location of Wells Lamont Corporation. Headquartered in Niles, Ill., Wells Lamont Corporation offers a selection of hand protection, including cut resistant, heat resistant, general purpose, liquid and chemical resistant, leather gloves and much more. The company services general industry, foodservice, meat processing, grocery, medical, laboratories, clean rooms and automotive markets. Wells Lamont has manufacturing facilities worldwide, including the United States, Canada, Asia, Europe and the Far East. Wells Lamont s subsidiaries include the Whizard Company, a specialist in cut-resistant gloves, and the Jomac Company, a manufacturer of terrycloth and Kevlar gloves and sleeves. Wells Lamont Corporation has been in business since 1907.
Newton / North Carolina / United States
Indio / California / United States