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Saint Simons Island / Georgia / United States
Saint Simons Island / Georgia / United States
Oglethorpe Point Elementary is located in St. Simons Island, Ga. The school operates under the Glynn County School System. It offers classes from prekindergarten through grade five. The school offers educational services to students in several academic areas, such as arts, media studies, music, physical education and computers. It has a library and media center offering homework assistance, resources for parents and teachers, and printed and online study materials. Oglethorpe Point Elementary offers an accelerated reader program to improve reading comprehension of students. The school also celebrates several events and festivals in the school, such as the Halloween party, Thanksgiving feast, spring festivals, and outside trips and club parties. It offers a range of student clubs and organizations, including arts, chess, chorus and science clubs, safety patrol, archaeology helpers, classroom buddies, television crew and student councils.
Saint Simons Island / Georgia / United States
St. Simons Elementary School is affiliated with the Glynn County School System. The school is located in St. Simons Island, Ga., and has more than 350 enrolled students in prekindergarten through grade five. It offers a wide range of subjects, including English, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and health and physical education. The school has a fully equipped library and media center that offers accelerated reader program, science fair information, research program, Helen Ruffin reading bowl and Georgia book award program. In addition, it provides an online collaborative routing coordination tools to assess the students academic progress. St. Simons Elementary School also has a parent-teacher association that supports various academic activities and helps in fundraising events.