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Mauldin / South Carolina / United States

A city of 23,000 incorporated in 1890 and re-incorporated in 1910, Mauldin operates by a council form of government. The mayor is Don Godbey, whose current term ends in January 2012. There is a six-member council with seats 2, 4 and 6 up for election in 2011 and seats 1,3 and 5 up in 2012.

The city's administrative offices are at 5 East Butler Road. This is also the location for business licensing, the courthouse, the city clerk and other city services. The Police Department also shares the address but uses the rear of the building as the primary entrance.

The Fire Department has its main offices in the same complex but has an address og 11 East Butler Road.

Mauldin / South Carolina / United States
Comprehensive Plan The Mauldin Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting on Thursday, October 22 was a success. Please take a look at the Mauldin Comprehensive Plan Presentation. South Carolina State legislation requires that cities and counties develop and update a 20-year comprehensive plan every 10 years. Mauldins first comprehensive plan was completed in 1999. Mauldin is unique in that our Comprehensive plan will include an additional City Center Development element. Please fill out a Comprehensive Plan Comment Form. Mauldin Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee A Steering Committee of City Council members, key staff members, Planning Commission members, and citizens was formed in April 2008 to guide development of the plan. In addition, three Advisory Groups made up of citizens and staff members from regional planning agencies have met regularly to focus on specific elements of the plan.