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Annandale / Virginia / United States
Our worldwide vision is that of the Great Commission which Jesus instructed his disciples before ascending to heaven. Jesus tells us all in Matthew 28:18-20.
Annandale / Virginia / United States
Annandale / Virginia / United States
The ministry of Calvary Church is funded by Gods provision through the tithes and offerings of faithful partners and attendees. Calvarys Finance Teams mission is to ensure that Gods provisions are honored by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so the financial integrity of Calvary remains beyond reproach. Copies of Calvarys monthly financial report are available upon request. General giving questions are welcome and may be directed to the Finance Team. Technology has provided new means of financial management. In consideration of these, Calvary is working to provide convenient giving venues. Of course contributions can be brought to the church anytime, but soon Calvary will also be able to accept donations online via debit card, electronic check, automatic bank transfer, or credit card. Mail a personal check to Calvary Church office at 2300 Little River Turnpike, VA 22003 Annandale Envelopes must be postmarked on or before December 31 of a given year. Contribution statements should arrive in the mail by February 2. To ensure statements arrive on time, please advise the church office of any address changes by emailing the new mailing address to [email protected].
Annandale / Virginia / United States

Annandale Church of Christ considers itself to be just one church in a large spiritual family who are all connected to each other by God's word and his love. The sermons, music selections and worship services are conducted by several of the church pastors and elders. A schedule outlining the names of the service leaders can be found on the church's website. Sermons are televised on Fairfax County Access Channel 10 and can be viewed on Sundays at 11am, Tuesdays at 4:30 am, and Thursdays at 8am.