Kimrey Construction Inc. photos
Kimrey Construction Inc. map, street view, direction

4004 100th St SW Lakewood Washington 98499 United States


Kimrey Construction Inc. Opening Hours

07:00:00 - 18:00:00
07:00:00 - 18:00:00
- Unknown

Kimrey Construction Inc. About

Kimrey Construction is a general contractor in Lakewood, serving the Lakewood/Tacoma area and areas within 60 miles. It offers a wide array of services including bathroom and kitchen remodeling, siding, roofing, flooring, plumbing, skylights and handyman services.

Kimrey Construction Inc. Photos (4)

Kimrey Construction Inc. FAQ

Kimrey Construction Inc. where ?

Kimrey Construction Inc. at 4004 100th St SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499

Kimrey Construction Inc. phone number ?

Kimrey Construction Inc. phone number 2532781078

Kimrey Construction Inc. contact ?

You can call at 2532781078.You can fill out the form at

4004 100th St SW zip code ?

The Zip Code 98499

Kimrey Construction Inc. Reviews

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