Garage Door Medics photos
Garage Door Medics map, street view, direction

5319 Grant St. San Diego California 92110 United States


Garage Door Medics Opening Hours

00:00:00 - 00:00:00
00:00:00 - 00:00:00
00:00:00 - 00:00:00

Garage Door Medics About

Established in 1990, Garage Door Medics has worked hard for three decades to be an industry leader through adaptation, professionalism and sticking to our corporate oath and motto. Our team and culture align with being a people company first that fixes garage doors. We hire people that care about people. We incorporate trust, honesty, and transparency into the garage door industry. We are proud to be the highest rated and reviewed garage door company in the United States. Our offices are open 24/7 to be there when you need us most. Our qualified technicians will arrive at your home in well-marked and stocked vehicles to complete the job on our first visit as we know your time is valuable.

Garage Door Medics Photos (1)

Garage Door Medics FAQ

Garage Door Medics where ?

Garage Door Medics at 5319 Grant St., San Diego, California 92110

Garage Door Medics phone number ?

Garage Door Medics phone number 6193314554

Garage Door Medics contact ?

You can call at 6193314554.You can fill out the form at

5319 Grant St. zip code ?

The Zip Code 92110

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