Fox Floors photos
Fox Floors map, street view, direction

2391 Richmond Avenue Staten Island New York 10314 United States


Fox Floors Opening Hours

09:00:00 - 20:00:00
09:00:00 - 18:00:00
11:00:00 - 17:00:00

Fox Floors About

Fox Floors is locally owned and operated in Staten Island, NY, and we are committed to bringing you the best prices, selection of products, services, and warranties. We have been in the flooring business for over 65 years, and we are proud to carry quality carpet, vinyl, hardwood and more.

Fox Floors Amenities

Fox Floors Photos (10)

Fox Floors FAQ

Fox Floors where ?

Fox Floors at 2391 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10314

Fox Floors phone number ?

Fox Floors phone number 9174721473

Fox Floors contact ?

You can call at 9174721473.You can fill out the form at

2391 Richmond Avenue zip code ?

The Zip Code 10314

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