Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd photos
Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd map, street view, direction

60 W 183th Bronx New York 10453 United States


Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd Opening Hours

07:00:00 - 22:00:00
07:00:00 - 22:00:00
08:00:00 - 21:00:00

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd About

Food Universe is everywhere their neighbors need them to be, and they strive to be everything their customers need them to be. With convenient locations and inventory that reflects their customers’ desires, Food Universe always goes the extra mile to ensure their customers know that their stores revolve around them. In fact, they work every day to go beyond their customers’ expectations to make their savings and their experience nothing short of stellar.

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd Photos (1)

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd FAQ

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd where ?

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd at 60 W 183th, Bronx, New York 10453

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd phone number ?

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd phone number 7183675006

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd contact ?

You can call at 7183675006.You can fill out the form at

60 W 183th zip code ?

The Zip Code 10453

Food Universe Marketplace of 183rd Reviews