Central Exterminating About
Serving East Brunswick, NJ and the surrounding area, Central Exterminating has inspected and protected thousands of homes and businesses since 1963. We work efficiently and with minimum interference to your daily routine. Our staff is intensively trained, tested and evaluated before going out into the field - one of our consultants is one of the top entomologists in our industry. We provide a variety of pest control services including roaches, termites, rats, birds and more. We use a variety of effective pest control treatments that include chemical and non-chemical treatments.
Central Exterminating Services
Central Exterminating FAQ
Central Exterminating where ?
Central Exterminating at 44 W Ferris St, East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816
Central Exterminating phone number ?
Central Exterminating phone number 7322541180
Central Exterminating contact ?
You can call at 7322541180.You can fill out the form at centralexterminatingnj.com.
44 W Ferris St zip code ?
The Zip Code 08816