Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles photos
Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles map, street view, direction

13115 Saticoy St. North Hollywood California 91605 United States


Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles Opening Hours

08:00:00 - 18:00:00
08:00:00 - 18:00:00
- Unknown

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles About

Carpet Market One is a North Hollywood Based Flooring Store that offers hardwood, laminate, tiles, carpeting and vinyl flooring with state of the art materials and top of the line installation services. We bring years of expert talent for all types flooring installations in commercial and residential properties. Our workmanship makes a statement that will transform the look of your home or office. With our low prices you can afford the style, quality and craftsmanship you deserve!

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles Amenities

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles Photos (4)

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles FAQ

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles where ?

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles at 13115 Saticoy St., North Hollywood, California 91605

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles phone number ?

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles phone number 8187644641

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles contact ?

You can call at 8187644641.You can fill out the form at

13115 Saticoy St. zip code ?

The Zip Code 91605

Carpet Market One | Flooring Store in Los Angeles Reviews

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